New Orleans Prepares Drainage Systems for Storm Season
As rain persists in New Orleans and other locations, such as Lake Charles and St. Bernard, many residents are making plans to get useful flood protection. The St. Bernard flood protection system covers more than 35 miles and protects against storm surge as high as 32 feet. But it comes at a cost of maintaining […]
New Orleans Strategy for Staying Safe (with Vehicle) in Flooded Areas
New Orleans is on a mission to keep residents of the city protected while facing the tough issues that flooding has created for the local area. A substantial concern is the thousands of motorists with vehicles that have been submerged to one degree or another. Vehicle flooding often results in difficult and expensive repairs. However, […]
Eagleville Small Beginnings Lead to an Impressive Sewer System
The city of Eagleville is a small-sized, quaint town known for picturesque views, pleasing antique shops and parks. But even more impressive is the startup of a brand new sewer system, considered a first for a major development for this modest town. The transition from septic to sewer was no easy task and required years […]
New Orleans Smart Home Buying Strategy saves Time and Money
New Orleans is a city with many awe-inspiring homes from historic Esplanade Ridge to Gentilly with its landscaping of trees and exquisite and spacious yards. The residents here were met with vast destruction during Hurricane Katrina. However, the city at- large has been adept at rebuilding and in doing so, has also acquired more skillful […]
Louisiana True Grit in Deluge, Sewer Overflows, and Homeowner Policy Changes
Our condolences to the State of Louisiana after the wide-reaching flood catastrophe which affected many residents of the state. It’s been a month of loss and yet again, going into re-build mode. Perma-Liner Industries offers our support to all affected by the floods and would like you to reach out to us if we can […]
Full Steam Ahead! Check Out Perma-Liner Industries 2016 Events Line Up!!
Undoubtedly, you are still enjoying the many highlights that this time of year brings, but as the glory days of summer begin to wane, no worries! We’ve got some exciting events scheduled for you and they’re coming up right around the corner. Mark your calendars for these informative trade shows that you won’t want to […]
New Orleans: This is YOUR Year! See you at WEFTEC
New Orleans, it’s not too soon to remind you about the 89th Annual Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference, also known as, WEFTEC. Perma-Liner Industries wants to see you there. Year after year this state of the art conference is host to numerous, informative sessions on the water industry and the benefits of Cured-in-Place […]
New Orleans Permanent Canal Closures and New Pump Stations
When Hurricane Katrina occurred, it pushed water from Lake Pontchartrain into New Orleans’ three major drainage canal, putting pressure on floodwall-topped levees which failed to withstand the load of the water. The rise of lake water caused the failure in two places of I-walls along the city’s London Avenue Canal and moved by some 35 […]
The City of Slidell Repairs Flood Damaged Infrastructures
The City of Slidell, located in Southeastern Louisiana just north of New Orleans, is making progress on repairs to their sewer infrastructure. The Schneider Canal drainage basin infrastructure project will rehabilitate streets, sidewalks, sewer lines and the storm drain system throughout the basin. FEMA has funded the entire project. The city sustained damages from floodwater […]
Ascension Parish and the Coastal Flood Advisory
Areas of Louisiana have been experiencing torrential rain and coastal flooding. More than 20 inches of rain fell in the hardest-hit places. Major flooding caused a state of emergency for the entire state and sent the National Guard to help with water rescues. Schools were closed in Ascension Parish and pumps were up and running […]
The Napoleon Canal Work Advisory
The Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers are building new canals as part of the Southeast Louisiana Urban Flood Control Project (SELA). The entire project, estimated to take two years to complete, will run from Fontainebleau Drive to South Claiborne Avenue, with traffic patterns being periodically altered […]
New Orleans Storm Water Demo for Students
The Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans offers a storm water demonstration called Enviroscape. This is an educational tool for students to gain awareness about the local environmental issues and how storm water can affect the community. The demonstrations are free of charge and include a presentation for approximately 30 minutes for a group […]
New Orleans Offers Instructional Program for Contractors
New Orleans is preparing for an innovative workshop designed for contractors. The topic of discussion will be the concept of stormwater management and how it affects our infrastructure, our architecture and our way of life. Living with so much water is no easy task, but there are steps we can take to mitigate flooding and […]
New Orleans Initiative Replaces Paving With Plants
New Orleans is currently participating in a proactive program for residents to take part in. The Greater New Orleans Water Collaborative main goal to help homeowners remove excessive concrete or asphalt in front of their homes. The Water Management Strategy called for significant and lasting changes to storm water management, utilizing rainfall to help solve […]
New Orleans Clean Water Fund
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently awarded the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality a grant of more than $15.33 million to fund clean water projects in the state. The grant goes to the state’s Clean Water Revolving Loan Fund (CWSRF), which provides low-interest, flexible loans to communities to help them improve water quality and […]
New Orleans Plans Upgraded Sewer System
In recent weeks, New Orleans residents have been required to boil water on two separate occasions due to power failures. The City is ramping up their tactics for better strategies to prevent this from happening again. As a first step, the Sewer & Water Board has started running an additional pump at the Carrollton water […]
Boil Water Advisory for New Orleans
Due to a Power Outage at the Claiborne Treatment Plant, New Orleans is issuing a boil water advisory as water samples are in the process of being monitored and evaluated. While the city is testing for contaminants, residents are asked to not use tap water when making ice, drinking water, brushing teeth and rinsing or preparing […]