Cured-In-Place-Pipelining Demonstration Days July 18 – 19

Perma-Liner Industries, LLC. to Hold Live Cured-In-Place-Pipelining Demonstration Days and Educational Sessions Open House will be held in Anaheim, Cali. on July 18 – 19 ANAHEIM, Cali. – With state-of-the-art technology options, it is not necessary to dig up aging or failing pipes to repair them. There is an efficient and cost-effective way to repair […]
Epoxy vinyl ester resin brings many advantages to CIPP industry

Perma-Liner™ Industries, LLC. (“Perma-Liner”), the leading manufacturer and supplier of trenchless pipeline rehabilitation equipment and materials in North America, is introducing a new high-performance epoxy vinyl ester resin called Perma-Liner™ Vinyl Ester. The resin is Bisphenol-A Epoxy-based dissolved in styrene and is available now for purchase. “We are excited to introduce our newest resin into […]
America’s Failing Water Infrastructure: There are Ways We Can Begin to Fix It

There are many variables threatening America’s water from pollution issues and aging infrastructure to raising costs and droughts and rainfall patterns as the climate changes. The U.S. used to be a leader when it came to water infrastructure and management. Now, the U.S. is lagging behind receiving D ratings for dams, drinking water and wastewater. […]
History Runs Deep for the Shreveport Sewer System

Trenchless technology continues its popularity with more and more municipalities and businesses turning to this option. Not only does the trenchless process save time, but it also saves money. It’s partially for this reason that Shreveport has moved to this type of repair for the city’s sewer system, which first started in 2014. The city […]
Eagleville Small Beginnings Lead to an Impressive Sewer System

The city of Eagleville is a small-sized, quaint town known for picturesque views, pleasing antique shops and parks. But even more impressive is the startup of a brand new sewer system, considered a first for a major development for this modest town. The transition from septic to sewer was no easy task and required years […]
Louisiana True Grit in Deluge, Sewer Overflows, and Homeowner Policy Changes

Our condolences to the State of Louisiana after the wide-reaching flood catastrophe which affected many residents of the state. It’s been a month of loss and yet again, going into re-build mode. Perma-Liner Industries offers our support to all affected by the floods and would like you to reach out to us if we can […]
A New Orleans Neighborhood: Bewildered by Sewer Setback

Residents of New Orleans living in the neighborhood of Prytania St. have been no stranger to unceasing construction. A project that is part of the Southeast Louisiana drainage initiative has been far more extensive than originally planned. To be specific, two years more extensive. Concerned residents have conducted a meeting with a spokesperson from the […]
Mississippi River’s Saltwater Wedge

Estuaries are places where rivers meet the sea and may be defined as areas where saltwater is measurably diluted with fresh water. On average, estuaries are biologically more productive than either the adjacent river or the sea because they have a special kind of water circulation that traps plant nutrients and stimulates primary production. The […]
New Orleans Storm Water Demo for Students

The Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans offers a storm water demonstration called Enviroscape. This is an educational tool for students to gain awareness about the local environmental issues and how storm water can affect the community. The demonstrations are free of charge and include a presentation for approximately 30 minutes for a group […]
River Ridge Sewer Main Break

Residents of New Orleans, the City is working to clean up a sewer leak that occurred this week in the area of River Ridge. Repairs are underway and the culprit was a 24 inch force main. The force main has a primary function of transporting wastewater from a pump to a discharge point. Because of […]
East Baton Rouge Renews Sewer

Residents in the area of Government St., be advised that the City is planning to start a sewer rehabilitation project in the upcoming months. Also, a street closure advisory for those travelling on Louisiana Ave. as emergency repairs are being made to an 8″ sewer line and each direction will be blocked at the intersection […]
Live Demonstrations Coming Soon!

LIVE DEMONSTRATIONS REGISTRATION JUNE 16TH – 18TH JAM PACKED WITH LIVE DEMOS & THE LATEST CIPP TECH. TUESDAY, JUNE 16TH THRU THURSDAY JUNE 18TH Don’t miss this three day event at our corporate facility in sunny Florida! This event will be jam packed with live demonstrations and the latest CIPP technology. Live Demonstrations: Perma-Main™ Continuous Lining Top […]