New Orleans Prepares Drainage Systems for Storm Season


As rain persists in New Orleans and other locations, such as Lake Charles and St. Bernard, many residents are making plans to get useful flood protection. The St. Bernard flood protection system covers more than 35 miles and protects against storm surge as high as 32 feet. But it comes at a cost of maintaining […]

Eagleville Small Beginnings Lead to an Impressive Sewer System


The city of Eagleville is a small-sized, quaint town known for picturesque views, pleasing antique shops and parks. But even more impressive is the startup of a brand new sewer system, considered a first for a major development for this modest town.  The transition from septic to sewer was no easy task and required years […]

New Orleans Clean Water Fund


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently awarded the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality a grant of more than $15.33 million to fund clean water projects in the state. The grant goes to the state’s Clean Water Revolving Loan Fund (CWSRF), which provides low-interest, flexible loans to communities to help them improve water quality and […]