Perma-liner is coming to Louisville to do demonstrations!!

Perma-liner is coming to Louisville to do demonstrations!! SLB Pipe Solutions completed pipelining job using Perma-Liner equipment and materials on a large diameter sprinkler supply line at a Honda plant. They had multiple longitudinal cracks 15 feet under a new $4 million reinforced concrete delivery road that was poured in the resent weeks. They were […]
Cured-In-Place-Pipelining Demonstration Days July 18 – 19

Perma-Liner Industries, LLC. to Hold Live Cured-In-Place-Pipelining Demonstration Days and Educational Sessions Open House will be held in Anaheim, Cali. on July 18 – 19 ANAHEIM, Cali. – With state-of-the-art technology options, it is not necessary to dig up aging or failing pipes to repair them. There is an efficient and cost-effective way to repair […]
Epoxy vinyl ester resin brings many advantages to CIPP industry

Perma-Liner™ Industries, LLC. (“Perma-Liner”), the leading manufacturer and supplier of trenchless pipeline rehabilitation equipment and materials in North America, is introducing a new high-performance epoxy vinyl ester resin called Perma-Liner™ Vinyl Ester. The resin is Bisphenol-A Epoxy-based dissolved in styrene and is available now for purchase. “We are excited to introduce our newest resin into […]
America’s Failing Water Infrastructure: There are Ways We Can Begin to Fix It

There are many variables threatening America’s water from pollution issues and aging infrastructure to raising costs and droughts and rainfall patterns as the climate changes. The U.S. used to be a leader when it came to water infrastructure and management. Now, the U.S. is lagging behind receiving D ratings for dams, drinking water and wastewater. […]
History Runs Deep for the Shreveport Sewer System

Trenchless technology continues its popularity with more and more municipalities and businesses turning to this option. Not only does the trenchless process save time, but it also saves money. It’s partially for this reason that Shreveport has moved to this type of repair for the city’s sewer system, which first started in 2014. The city […]
Full Steam Ahead! Check Out Perma-Liner Industries 2016 Events Line Up!!

Undoubtedly, you are still enjoying the many highlights that this time of year brings, but as the glory days of summer begin to wane, no worries! We’ve got some exciting events scheduled for you and they’re coming up right around the corner. Mark your calendars for these informative trade shows that you won’t want to […]
New Orleans: This is YOUR Year! See you at WEFTEC

New Orleans, it’s not too soon to remind you about the 89th Annual Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference, also known as, WEFTEC. Perma-Liner Industries wants to see you there. Year after year this state of the art conference is host to numerous, informative sessions on the water industry and the benefits of Cured-in-Place […]
Mississippi River’s Saltwater Wedge

Estuaries are places where rivers meet the sea and may be defined as areas where saltwater is measurably diluted with fresh water. On average, estuaries are biologically more productive than either the adjacent river or the sea because they have a special kind of water circulation that traps plant nutrients and stimulates primary production. The […]
Rainy Season and Sewer Drainage Systems

Many of us are experiencing a rainy season now that summer is in full swing. Along with the sunny delights and fanfare this time of year brings, there is also a need to think about the proper functioning of our drainage systems where we live. It is important to know to what extent a drainage […]
The holidays are just around the corner and shortly after that Mardi Gras!

It’s almost that time New Orleans’ residents. The holidays are just around the corner and shortly after that Mardi Gras! Your city knows all about tourism when it comes to February-the entire city is one big party! New Orleans sewer pipes can also create a party fowl if pipes end up breaking or leaking. As […]